Looking for something different to do with your girls? Out of ideas for troop meeting activities? Try GSEP’s Ready to Run Programs! Designed to be used by volunteers with girls, these programs include facilitator guides, suggested timelines, and a list of necessary materials. Some of the programs even have supplemental handouts for girls!
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about Ready to Run programs, please email us.
At-Home Cookie Rally 2022 (K-5)
Cookie season is here! Play games and create crafts designed to help you build the skills of a #cookieboss. Through this ready-to-run program you’ll learn tips about talking to customers, practice money management, and learn what it takes to reach your cookie goals!
Resilient. Ready. Strong. Mental Wellness Patch Program (K-12)
Understanding how to boost your own mental wellness, reach out for help when needed, and support others is a key life skill. Girl Scouts already supports mental wellness by offering girls a safe space with supportive adults, an opportunity to develop friendships and belonging, a place to take positive risks and build confidence, and a focus on giving back to your community and making a difference in the world. When you look at any list of activities that researchers have proven make people happier and more resilient, you’ll see a list of what girls do in Girl Scouts: building social-emotional skills; practicing gratitude and giving; finding community; experiencing nature; exploring meaning; and changing the world.
Secret Agent Starter Pack- (K-3)
Girl Scouts of the USA has teamed up with AT&T to make STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) even more fun. The activities in this booklet will sharpen your girl’s skills of observation, technical design, and simple coding—all while building her curiosity and confidence. But this is only a taste of what Girl Scouts has to offer your girl.
Girl Scouts Give Back- Citizen Science (K-12)
There are meaningful and exciting ways for Girl Scout troops to contribute to science, get outside, and help scientists solve some of the big problems facing our planet. Especially now, with more people are at home due to COVID-19, citizen scientists have a unique opportunity to help by collecting data and reporting their findings.
We hope that your girls, troops and councils will participate in two designated citizen science projects:
Girls of all ages can participate in the Great Sunflower Project .
Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors can choose between the Great Sunflower Project and the Globe at Night project.
You do not need any science training to do these projects, and they comply with social distancing guidelines.
Girl Scout Activity Zone (K-12)
Did you know Girl Scouts can explore hundreds of badges, awards, service projects, and experiences that cover everything from building a robot to helping animals, from staying fit to starting a business?
Your options are virtually limitless.
Especially curated for kids and teens (whether you’re in a troop or new to Girl Scouts), the Girl Scout Activity Zone lets you sample a full assortment of Girl Scout tested and approved activities to get a real taste of what Girl Scouts do or to explore ideas for your troop's next adventure. With helpful videos hosted by Girl Scout volunteers, these self-guided activities are ready for you to try right now. No membership required.
Girl Scout Activity Zone | Girl Scouts